
Zabriskie Point | Essential places to visit in Death Valley


Zabriskie Point is an essential stop off when you’re travelling through Death Valley

After a brief stay of one night only in Vegas, we made our way through Death Valley to Lone Pine—chosen mostly as a reasonable place to stay after the long drive. Our first stop was Zabriskie Point.

The geology is just as fascinating as any of the places we’d been to by this point, but for the sake of my brain and yours I’ll simply offer a few brief Cliff notes: 9 million years ago Lake Manly began forming here, which then dried up 5 million years ago due to the regional mountains building to the west. These mountains influenced the already somewhat arid climate to become drier, leading to the landscape we know today. It’s weird, breathtaking, and—perhaps because I’m dramatic—feels dangerous. Then again, there are signs everywhere reminding you to drink water and such.

Rowena Harris