
The Sand Dunes | Essential places to visit in Death Valley

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Death Valley sand dunes and watching for snakes and stars

I don’t know if the sand dunes are much less well known as the basin, but they’re certainly worth checking out. Upon arrival I had the tiniest urge of hope to meet a rattlesnake. Until I got out the car. Then, as we walked across the first few hills to investigate, I immediately quashed the thought and kept a frantic eye out for danger in the dying light. Of course, and I guess thank goodness, we saw nothing.

However, we did then make shapes, because shadows on the dunes. And after a brief frolic we drove an hour down the road and pulled in to watch the stars. It was after sundown, before moonrise, and I’ve never seen a sky like it.

The detail is absolutely mind-blowing. I leaned back against the car and felt like like I might get vertigo. It’s overwhelming, heartbreaking, and reassuring in equal measure. A coyote ran past, which we noticed only by the light flashing in its eyes as a car drove past, so we decided to press on for a late dinner.

Rowena Harris