
Glen Canyon | Arizona's top places to visit

glen canyon

Next up was Antelope Canyon, but we’re opportunists. So, when we realised there was more to see nearby, we grabbed chance by the wheel of our bizarrely large automatic Chevy called Ank—a once-gleaming-white monstrosity, by then covered in a thousand little deaths.

That’s not some crude French reference; we’d decimated around half the bugs of UT at this point. I read somewhere recently that you can actually identify what’s splatted on your windscreen by analysing the colour and detail of the splatter under magnification, but I didn’t have the equipment for this.

So, the Glen Canyon dam. Lake Powell. The Colorado river. It’s all a bit controversial. The politics of the thing is that this is one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the US, which means a massive natural canyon was filled with water to make good on the Upper Basin’s downstream delivery obligations. Devastatingly, the only reason it exists here, slowly degrading the natural beaches that should form along the Colorado etc, is because a chap called Brower protested its being built in Dinosaur National Monument. He had no idea what a beautiful place Glen Canyon was until it was too late and he would consider the loss of the canyon his life’s ultimate disappointment.

Rowena Harris