
Flash Freeze Portraits


If I'm to believe the rom coms and sit coms and all that, most people eat ice cream and wear pyjamas and go out all night after a big breakup. I had my friend move in and we played with flash photography, in an alleyway, at 2am. Honestly, it worked pretty well—that is to say, it worked pretty well at making me feel better.

Slideshow: Two Face

Dancers, we are not. But face-makers? That's something we can do. It took us a while to perfect the lighting, but we eventually found the system: a flash to back-light the hair and two side flashes for the face. 

Slideshow: Two Face

I was into horizontal weirdness. Matt played with verticals. We both wanted to look weird.

Slideshow: The Mad Descent

Slideshow: Indoors Falling

Each shot was a 30-second exposure, with the aperture as wide as it could go. Matt has an excellent face.